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Thank You!!

Creativity has been open for 10 weeks now, it's been many months of hard work, finding premises, making premises suitable for everything I wanted. My husband helped so much with building me everything I wanted, my children have also helped getting everything ready, the house was packed with boxes my daughter's room had all the chairs lol. I've had many sleepless nights panicking if it's going to work, have I wasted our savings? After 10 weeks business is slowly building up, my party diary is filling up I've sold out of Halloween party tickets and have been left with so many kind worded reviews. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way especially my cousin Kate and all my customers thank you for your support and all the likes and shares I'm almost at 1000 likes! I really do appreciate everything it's hard (and scary) starting up a small local business thank you x✂🎨🖌🖍

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