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“Price” and “Cost” are two different words. “Price” is the value of a thing or service. “Cost” is the amount of money, or the rate of exchange for a thing or service. It can be either cash or other items. If you are given “Ksh.” in a hotel, it means “Ksh.”. If you are given “€” in a hotel, it means “€”. “Ksh.” and “€” are “Fractions”. “Fractions” and “Numbers” are the basic units of Money. “Thousand” is “M” or “Thousand”. “Hundred” is “M” or “Hundred”. “M” or “Thousand” is the basic unit of Money. “Dollar” is “M” or “Hundred”. “Rabbit” is “M” or “Hundred”. We are talking about Money. “Ksh.” and “€” They are “Fractions”. “Rabbit” is “Fraction”. “Kilo” or “K” is “M” or “Hundred”. “Thousand” is “M” or “Hundred”. “Million” is “M” or “Hundred”. “Hundred” is “M
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